Master Christian Ambassadors
NAEP 2022 Mathematics and Reading results show that nationwide Private school students score higher than public school students.
Study to show thy self approved unto God...KJV 2Tim2:15

​Schedule an Assessment Session today!
Call Now: (706) 421-5126
Too many of Georgia’s children are falling below, or barely meeting, the basic standard in reading by the end of third grade.
-Gaye Morris Smith
Executive Director, Georgia Family Connection Partnership
Poor readers are at risk of academic failure and dropping out of school. According to EARLY WARNING!.
According to 2009 NAEP statistics, only one-third of the nation’s fourthgraders and 29 percent of Georgia fourth-graders read at a proficient level Georgia Third-Grade
— special report published by The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Improve student ahievement:
grade improvement
target instruction higher test scores
Three great reasons to jumpstart assessment:
Pinpoints exactly where student is having diffiulties
Identifies is student needs intervention
Closes learning gaps

Individualized comprehensive curriulum to accommodate student learning styles. Each student is instructed at their pace while providing maximum instruction and utilizing all innovative measures to achieve the students best potential outcome.
Teacher student ratio is 1:9, which gives the teacher a more reliable measure of students' cognitive abilities to provide better academic success.
GKIDS Assessment
Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT)

Although all kinds of abilities vary from one student to the next, a program that teaches test taking skills as well as subject area skills makes a additional effort to provide detailed lesson plans.
Our goal is to help the student to think logically and understand time management when tasked with a standardized test.

Customized ​Learning
Different Students
Require Different
Approaches to Learning
Nationally Standardized Testing
State Proficiency Test &
AP Diagnostic Assessments
In The News
Why should my child attend Master Christian Ambassadors?
Well, it's quite clear when all the information is provided. Georgia just joined the
Education Cuuriculum and their
goal is to bring all educational standards under one common roof of compliance and global academic, philosophical and religious sameness. BUT they have taken prayer and christianity out of the schools!
In public schools African-American students represent 16% of 6th-8th graders , but 42% of students in those grades held back a year. ï‚·
What Happens to Students Who Are Expulsed From Regular Public School?
Can a Public School Deny a Student Enrollment?
Children who are suspended and expelled are at greater risk of dropping out.